If It Quacks Like a Lame Duck, However…

William S. Bike
2 min readJan 20, 2022

History shows Biden future may be better than pundits think

Pundits already are calling President Joe Biden a lame duck. Not hardly.

By William S. Bike

Is President Joe Biden a lame-duck just because everything hasn’t gone his way in the first year? Not hardly. And he won’t be even if his party loses the Congress in 2022.

Pundits speculated if Ronald Reagan were a lame duck after his party lost scores of seats in the 1982 elections; if Bill Clinton were a lame duck after his party lost the Congress in 1994; and if Barack Obama were a lame duck after his party lost the Congress in 2010. We saw how those Congressional losses absolutely did not translate into a re-election loss for each of those presidents.

In fact, losing the Congress in 2022 may be the best thing that could happen to Biden. Republicans will try to overreach, starting with an inevitable and immediate attempt to impeach both Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, and the GOP’s top extremists like Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Boebert will feel free to be even more extreme. By 2024, after two years of Greene, Boebert, and their fellow firebrands in the news every day, Biden is going to look moderate, sensible, sober, and competent by comparison.

Plus, Americans’ attention spans are so short these days, and the 24-hour news cycle so chock…



William S. Bike

Author of "Winning Political Campaigns," a how-to book on all aspects of political campaigning, and commentator on history and baseball.